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How experiential marketing continues to take centre stage at festivals.

We explore the future of marketing at festivals, deep diving into current trends, challenges, strategies, innovations, and how to resonate …

Evolving over the past decade at rapid pace, the events and experiential marketing industry have seen epic growth, teamed with creative magnification. Thanks to concentrated consumer opportunities, festivals have undoubtedly remained at the forefront in shaping this core expansion, surging brands forward to interact and connect with target audiences in a more engaging and meaningful way. In short, festivals are the hub and heart of the immersive brand experience - at grand scale.

With the hype feeling very real for an incoming summer of events, within this white paper, we explore the future of experiential marketing at festivals, whilst deep diving into current trends, challenges, strategies, innovations, and most importantly how to resonate. So, let’s get into the details.

What do we expect to see from brands and revellers this year?

The events industry is set to welcome a keen audience of festival-goers for the year ahead, with thousands ready to be entertained and captivated. This is also the first year without Covid restrictions, and while events still need to be responsible, they can capitalise on an enthusiastic audience, eager to get through the gates and party

Equally, as mental health awareness rises and surrounding stigmas evaporate, there is a growing need for events to take responsibility for their attendees' well-being. Events and festivals often have vulnerable attendees and therefore need to consider well-being areas within events and activations. These areas can provide a safe space to relax and engage in wellness activities, such as meditation, yoga, and other self-care practices.

Ensuring sustainability for conscious crowds

The music festival audience is predominantly Gen Z, a highly environmentally aware crowd. To actively align with their values, brands need to project their sustainability credentials. It’s no longer enough to simply use recyclable sampling cups. Gen Z expects more, and rightly so.

Brands are therefore leveraging the growing interest in eco-friendly products and sustainable practices by incorporating them into their marketing campaigns. For example, a brand can create an installation that showcases its commitment to reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Considering production materials used in activations and acknowledging whether they can be up-cycled, donated, recycled, or hired should be implemented. Offsetting the carbon footprint of activation is also becoming a popular way for brands to prove their sustainability values and goals.

As environmental concerns continue to grow, audiences are looking for festivals that prioritise sustainability and eco-friendliness. These are therefore key brand moments to showcase a solid commitment to sustainability, by incorporating green initiatives into their experiential marketing campaigns.

How will the changing face of tech make an impact?

Technology is also rapidly changing the events industry, from event registration to digital marketing and event production. Event planners and brands need to keep up with these technological advancements to remain relevant and competitive. This year, we expect to see increased integration of technology in events. From virtual reality and augmented reality experiences to artificial intelligence-powered chatbots and interactive installations, technology will continue to shape the future of events.

With the emergence of virtual events, hybrid events are becoming more popular, combining the best of both physical and virtual events. Hybrid events offer the flexibility to cater to in-person and virtual attendees, whilst providing a wider audience reach. This year, we predict a plethora of hybrid events that incorporate interactive elements and engagement opportunities, ensuring a seamless experience for both physical and virtual attendees.

Where might we see overall challenges for brands?

In recent years, festivals have become a popular platform for brands to engage with their target audience through experiential marketing. Festivals provide a unique opportunity for brands to connect with a large and diverse audience, within an environment that is both exciting and engaging. However, with so many brands vying for attention, standing out from the crowd can be a significant obstacle.

To shine amongst competitors, brands need to be creative and innovative throughout their experiential approach. They need to create immersive experiences that capture the attention of festival-goers to leave a lasting impression. Whether it's through virtual reality, interactive installations, or sensory experiences, brands should find unique ways to engage their target audience and create a memorable buzz around their brand.

Another challenge that brands are likely to face is measuring the impact of their campaigns. Unlike traditional marketing methods, which are easier to calculate, experiential marketing is more difficult to quantify. Brands need to find ways to track engagement and measure the ROI of their experiential marketing campaigns.

The solution? One way to measure the impact at festivals is through social media metrics. Brands can track the number of mentions, shares, and impressions their campaigns generate on social media platforms. This data can therefore provide valuable insights into the reach and impact of their campaigns, allowing them to refine their approach and improve their results.

Can every festival elevate to experiential? The audience trends you need to know

Festival audiences are looking for more than just entertainment. They want to be fully immersed within the experience and engage with brands in an authentic way. To future-proof festivals and elevate them to the experiential, there are several key trends that brands need to be aware of.

In today's fast-paced and digitalised world, consumers are bombarded with an endless stream of information and options. To stand out and engage with audiences, brands must wholly understand their customers and cater to their individual preferences. This is especially true throughout the festival industry, where attendees are seeking unique and personalised experiences that speak to their interests and values.

Making it personal with technology

Personalisation has become a buzzword in the experiential marketing world and for good reason. By leveraging data and technology, brands can create tailored experiences that resonate with festival-goers on a deeper level. For example, a music festival could use data on an attendee's listening habits to curate a personalised playlist that they can listen to throughout the event. Or, a food festival could offer customised menus based on an attendee's dietary restrictions or favourite flavours.

Personalisation not only enhances the attendee experience but also helps brands to build deeper connections with their customers. By providing tailored experiences that meet the unique needs and desires of festival-goers, brands can create a sense of loyalty and affinity that extends beyond the event itself.

Its not without its challenges. Brands must be careful not to overstep boundaries or infringe on privacy rights. They must also ensure that the data they collect and use is transparent and secure. Additionally, personalisation can be resource-intensive and requires significant technology and data analytics investment.

Despite these challenges, personalisation is a trend that is likely to continue to influence the future of festivals and experiential marketing. As technology continues to advance and consumers become more discerning, brands that can offer tailored experiences that meet individual preferences and interests will have a distinct advantage in the competitive festival landscape.

The most exciting creative opportunities within audience engagement right now?

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies continue to be popular within the experiential space, providing immersive and interactive experiences for audiences. However, as VR and AR have been around for a number of years, brands need to ensure that any reality experiences provided offer the wow factor and remain relevant to their brand. Consumers can see through cheap gimmicks, so it's essential for brands to create engaging and impactful experiences, using VR and AR technologies.

Today’s audiences continue to demand more than ever before, meaning brands must work harder to create an impact. This is a key challenge, but also an exciting opportunity to explore new avenues for personalised experiences. Fans thrive on personalised experiences, and brands need to cater to their growing appetite for customisation and greater choice. This means creating unique and exciting experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Go social with Gen Z

The predominant music festival audience is Gen Z, a savvy, smart, and social-first generation. Social media channels are hugely popular among young festival audiences, and fans build communities of like-minded friends to share their experiences, far and wide. This is a great opportunity for brands to create content that inspires, generates excitement, and communicates their brand values and messages in new and exciting ways.

By leveraging social media channels and creating shareable content, brands can reach a wider audience and connect with fans, via meaningful avenues.

We know that festivals will continue to play a crucial role in the future of events and experiential marketing. However, its the brands that can create immersive, engaging, and meaningful experiences that will really resonate and have a significant advantage in the marketplace.

By utilising and blending the power of technology, sustainability, and collaboration, brands can overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities presented at festivals and we can’t wait to see it all in action.

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Gen lilley walsh.

Gen Lilley-Walsh Paradise Agency

Luke jekyll.

Luke Jekyll Paradise Agency